Loouise Brown

Louise Brown’s Bio

Drama has played a key role in my life for as long as I can remember; it’s my passion. Having studied four years with the Drama and Theatre Department at University College Cork (Honours Masters Degree) I pursued a career in radio as I have a keen interest in the human voice and storytelling. For the last few years I have returned to education, this time delivering courses in Speech and Drama at Cork College of Commerce and to community groups through the Cork Education Training Board, all of which has proved to be most rewarding.  During the last year or so I believe a new appreciation for the Arts has been recognised and how theatre enriches our lives; this is what I wish to convey in my teaching and to help others to develop and hone their skills.

I have a wealth of experience in performance, production and education: I have worked on projects with Espiral theatre company, La Rioja, Spain, and the National Theatre, London as well as working locally with theatre companies and arts festivals which all feeds into my teaching. The diploma course I teach with my colleague Pam Golden, is accredited by Victoria College London and the qualification is internationally recognised. We look forward to welcoming students from all over Ireland in September 2021 to the newly designed on-line course followed by in-house practice based classes in the second semester commencing in January 2022.